Spacing Out!!!
Well all of you now know that i've been through a hard with my dad. Which CAN be forgiven. In some way. So Last night i was talking to one of my friends that go to Murray Brittany telling her what's going on in my life since we kinda been playing phone tag. Anyways i finally got a hold of her before i went to sleep last night and i was telling her. That this situation right now with my dad saying well you know. It made me think that all he doesnt want to go on with his life. And i cant take it anymore so i am going to go talk to my Bishop about this... Anyways getting back to when i was talking to Brittany. She was telling me that i should read my scriptures and prey to heavenly father (and i know some of you who is reading this isnt a member of the church and thats ok. But i am going to be talking about what i think is best.) So i told Brittany that right now i can't prey or read my scriptures it hurts too much and i said that right now it's too hard. And so she askes me why is it so hard(?) And i said that right now it just is, since my parents are separated and i cant do anything to get them back together and im not going to try to get them back together. They need their own time right now we'll just have to see what happens next..... So i got a voice message this morning and it was Brittany (From Murray) and she said that she was thinking of me through out the night and found a scripture for me in DtC 3:8 (it saids) "Yet you should have been faithful; and he would have extended his arm and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble" So im going to do all that i can to help my dad. Well it's getting late i gotta get some sleep. Sorry 'bout the long Post i hope that you enjoyed it as much as i wrote it.
At 9:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aye, that's an excellent verse. Satan wants you to hurt when you pray and read your scriptures. But don't worry about it; once you get started, it won't hurt anymore. I mean, just look at Joseph Smith's first prayer; Satan waged an all-out ATTACK on him when he started, and it nearly destroyed him! But then Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ showed up, and we all know what happened after that.
Have faith, Meisha, and great things will happen.
At 2:23 PM,
Meish said…
It's hard when Satan is taking over so many people's lives. And i come to think if im one of those people?. I love the stories about Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith is my Hero. Im trying really hard to have faith nathan.It's just so hard right now. Today in Seminary I shared that scripture that brittany gave to me and my teacher liked it. I do have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Why does Satan even have to be evil? Especially to me right now? Thanks Nathan for the reply that made my day better... :D
At 11:48 PM,
The Warrior said…
He's Evil because that is his intrinsic nature. He wanted to take God's place, so he is my foe for all of eternity. I long ago declared war on him, and am a soldier in the ranks of Christ.
And don't you refrain from speaking about your beliefs here because of me. This is YOUR blog, and besides, I wouldn't be being fair any other way. So you discuss whatever you plain feel like.
But I can't stress the power of prayer enough. You know we differ as to beliefs, and I've wondered (PLEASE forgive my bluntness, but suddenly this makes sense now) if prayer has power in the hands of, well, to put it bluntly, unbelievers (referring to my particular "religion" if you will). Today, I felt I need to crack open a book I have, and it discussed (long story, I'll make it short, but if you want the details, just ask) the fact that many demons have been stopped by even unbelievers calling upon his name. I may be wrong on this, but maybe it does have the power. I always recommend prayer.
Read the BIBLE. Trust in the Lord God Yahweh. Believe in Him, and you shall be saved. Witness to your father.
If there's anything I can do for you, DO NOT hesitate to ask. I'm gonna pray about this, and if I get any answers or particular feelings about this, you'll be the first to know. But please pray.
P.S. My pastor recently said something to the effect of "Some say you go to Hell if you commit suicide. Some say God would forgive you if you were a true believer. That's a gray line. I don't want to go there. Do you really want to be so unsure?" Just a thought, but you might like to discuss this with your father. Do talk to him though. That is my advice.
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