A awesome day! (Yesterday 10*14*06)
So i had to help my sister and my mom clean this one room for like five hours. It was hard work. So i hang with my mom after which i think made her happy since my parents are separated. So we go to the store and then their was Party City that we went to to get my dog a costum for Halloween. My dog is going to be a K9 Cop Dog which is really cute since i have a toy poodle so yeah. And they were hiring so i asked the manager sinve he was ringing us up and he said to bring it all filled out on Monday night for a Interview so i have a interview tomorrow! And on Friday (sorry going a day behind) I put my Job Application into Seagull Book & Tape Amy Peterson works their. So i was like hey i would love to work a job that doesn't work on sundays. But the hardest thing is if i get this job at Party City. So i really don't know what to do. I need some advice please? Well got to go talk to all ya'll later..
At 10:00 PM,
The Warrior said…
Um...I can't give you any advice really...I'm sorry...but would you like working with Amy? Or would you want to chitty chat and not work? (A problem for fun people like us, lol!)
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