What a Beautiful Night!
Hey well it stormed today quite alot. But, after that the sunset was so beautiful. It was a pink and orange color. Anyways so i am doin alot better. So im listening to Rascal Flatts for the first time and their actually not that bad.... Anyways So how are all of ya'll days? Tell me i wanna know! Please....
At 8:24 PM,
The Warrior said…
I'm okay, thanks! I love rain!
So you're okay now though?
At 3:32 PM,
Meish said…
Your welcome Spencer. I love rain too. Anyways i think and also hope that im okay... Because my doctor said that i have tention headaches and that could get worse as lets say a brain tumor. He said if i have worse headaches ever to tell him.
And then i might have to go through a MRI that takes pictures of my brain... And see if i have a brain tumor i really hope that i don't have a brain tumor!
At 10:32 PM,
The Warrior said…
Oh, I AM SO SO SORRY Meisha! I'll bet you'll be fine...but I'm gonna pray for you just to be safe...okay?
Let me share something with you really quick, if you don't mind. Last November, I was diagnosed with cataracts. Now I know that that is not all too serious or anything, but it still isn't something to wish for. It only affects my vision for now, and I wear glasses so I can see better, but eventually I'll have to go in for surgery. I've got a really good doctor, so I don't have to worry.
But, you know what? I wasn't worried at all when I found out! Of course mine was nothing near yours, but do you know what the biggest encouragement to me was? You know Stonewall Jackson, the Civil War general? It was him! He wasn't afraid of death (he said something like, "God has already chosen the time of my death. I do not trouble myself with that...that is the way all men should live, and all would be equally brave."), and even braved enemy fire without even flinching because he knew whatever happened, God allowed for a reason, so there was absolutely nothing to worry about!
No matter what happens, just know this: God is in control, and no matter what happens, it happens for a reason, and God has already decided what will happen, and although we definitely still have free choice, God's will WILL be carried out!
I hope that helps, and if there's ANYTHING I can do for you, let me know, okay?
My sincere prayers,
Your friend,
Spencer :-D
See you around, Meisah!
At 9:48 AM,
Meish said…
Aww Spencer that was the sweetest thing to say. And thats sad that you have to go through Sergury for your eye sight. I never had any kind of Surgery what so ever so if i do have a brain tumor i will be scared of going through that.
One of my friends his name is Zachery Perry at my school last year he had a brain tumor and servived.
And you don't have to prey for me. Im taking this medicine that should help me NOT get a brain tumor....
Thanks Spencer from what you said ment alot. :D
Also your Friend,
At 2:14 PM,
The Warrior said…
Oh, really, it's nothing! It wasn't sweet or anything...but I'm glad it meant something to you. I'm just trying to help!
And no matter what, everything's gonna be okay!!!
See ya later!
P.S. If you don't mind me asking, is this why you haven't been visiting the Sly Piggery?
At 10:42 PM,
Meish said…
Hey,you are being such a great friend. Thanks for your help i very much appreciate it. :D
Yeah hope everythings gonna be okay.Well their are some reasons why i haven't been visiting SP. Like a couple days ago i couldn't even get on the internet because i had to study for English (Hamlet) and also Government (test). And sometimes i just don't feel like anyone wants me at SP except i know that you want me on SP Spencer. But, i know that noone else would. And also family problems i having right now im stuggleing with...What im going through...
Sorry :( that i have not been on SP!
At 8:34 PM,
The Warrior said…
Oh, that's okay, Meisha! Don't you worry one bit about it! But who doesn't want you there? What kind of person wouldn't want you there? It isn't Mac, is it? (Not that it's any of my business, so never mind...)
I'm sorry about the family problems. I'm getting busy too, so won't be able to get on as much. I got a job yesterday!
See you later! Take good care of yourself, okay?
Bye now!
At 5:40 PM,
Meish said…
I don't know of who doesnt want me their but, i know that some people think that im anoying which im not. You got a job? Where? Thats awesome that you have a job! Cool Beans!
At 3:20 PM,
The Warrior said…
I got a job at--now please don't laugh--Mervyn's!
I was going to apply for a gorcery store job at one that is still being built/set up, but after changing their sign from spring to summer, then taking it down altogether, I had to take this one instead. It doesn't sound so bad, even though it's sort of a lady's store.
So. How's your head?
And I already said this on SP, but I am the general of the Rebellion army, and all of the girls on that board have joined for the rebels. Will you accept my offer to join up? We need ya!
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