A strange day!
Hey everyone whose checking in... I've had a interesting day.... In Orchestra we played "Allegretto" A song from a camercial you might remember the jewlery one well anyways.. a group named bond plays it very well i might add... Their are four players from different countries i cannot remember them of what my teacher "doc" said anyways... They all play electric instraments like violin,cello,and viola. So yeah and then just singing in chior. and then, American Government took notes did assignments the usuall, then their was Seminary, We talked about different things i cant remember right now since i have this headache. Many of my friends think that i should go to the doictors and get my headaches checked because i have been having them latley. So i dont know what to do. Nathan and Denny, thinks that it's not normal to have these mny headaches so i might have to go to the doctors the only problem their is: I dont have the time, and no money! well i should get to bed so talk to all y'all later good night!
And always have fun, and a good time while your here........ :D
And always have fun, and a good time while your here........ :D
At 9:12 PM,
The Warrior said…
Yeah, you should have those headaches checked out. I don't mean to scare you, but sometimes they're indicative of something worse.
Don't you parents have insurance though? And isn't your health (or even your life) worth more than your time?
Sorry to intrude...but you did say it...
And where have you been on SP? I'm leading a rebellion, and want YOU!
At 5:57 PM,
Meish said…
Hey, Yeah im going to have my headaches checked soon.. And about eSP I haven't felt like posting anything latley and besides none of you who are on SP probably doesn't want me their in the first place. But, i'll try my best...
At 9:23 PM,
The Warrior said…
WHO DOESN'T WANT YOU ON SP!?!??!? I most certainly do!!!
At 2:18 PM,
Meish said…
Well I know already know that you want me on SP but, no one else does! Thats what it seems like!
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