September 11th five years in remembering..
Well today well remeber the tragidy that happened five years ago from today. Today at school was tough. Well since my mother's friends sister that was in the attack that has been dead for five years now. In Orchestra was ok we played a couple songs but, i hardly could play since it is a sad day for me.. And Concert Chior was alright, Then came 1st lunch and i heard some people still talking about it. Ans then American Government which is starting to become one of my favorite classes until today. I didn't like my class in Governmevt today because we had a discussion on where we were when it happened and basically i wasn't in the mood to write anything down on my piece of paper. So then i wen't to my locker to put my government book away but i tried my combination like ten times. So i was like this is not a good day for me. So i didn't worry about putting my book into mylocker i wanted to get to Seminary right away and on my way to seminary i was in the commons just thinking to myself, What if five years ago i was on vacation to go to New York on the plain what would i know that would happen? Anyways so i saw Nathan going to his class while im still on my way to seminary so i heard Nathan say "Hey Meisha" And so i said "Hey" back and that made my day a whole lot better thanks Nathan. I know that sometimes when you see someone upset or feeling sad then you should go say hi to them it would make their day more and more delightful... So thats about all that happened to me.. So basically i had a horrible day until Nathan said hello. Thanks again Nate!
At 2:01 PM,
The Warrior said…
Indeed, what honor it is to remember the fallen as you have. May the enemy be destroyed.
I am also sorry for your loss on that terrible day, but am sure glad Nathan brightened it this time around! He has a habit of doing that, doesn't he? :-P
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