Concert Chior Veterans Day!
For Many of you all know why some of us celebrate Veterans Day. It's for anyone who is in the Marines, that hasn't servived or that has. We all so our thanks to them for what they have done for us. So, tonight were as a Concert Choir are gathering to the Hustman Center (A.K.A-The graduation place for T-Ville Students) So were going to be Live at 7:00 until 8:30 on channel 7 KUED .So any of you who have that channel you should watch it. Wait even better i challenge any of you to watch it. You'll be glad you did.. Their are amazing song that are sung by the Concert Chior.. Who ever does the challenge i will be very happy that you actually watched it. Well got to go get ready. Watch remeber channel 7 KUED @ 7-8:30
Have fun watching or doing whatever you do tonight!
Have fun watching or doing whatever you do tonight!
At 11:23 PM,
The Warrior said…
Were you actually on TV?
And Veterans' Day covers all branches of the military, not just the Marines. Add the Navy, Air Force, and Army!
This day means something to me.
At 2:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
... and the Coast Guard, too. In the words of Homer Simpson, "You Navy rejects are alright!". ;-) lol
But, happy Veteran's Day! :-D
At 12:05 PM,
Meish said…
Well i saw myself like five or six times i should know i taped it and when i got home i watched it. Speaking of watching it did any of you watch it??
At 2:08 PM,
The Warrior said…
I don't have that channel...I would have loved to see you though!!!!!
I'm SO sorry Meisha!!!!!!! I hope that I didn't violate our good frienship or anything, did I? Did I hurt you at all?????
At 8:08 PM,
Meish said…
Oh, It's fine Spencer. Yes were still friends that is if YOU still want to be friends
At 11:11 PM,
The Warrior said…
Oh, of course I do Meisha!!!!!
It'd be a cruel blow if we couldn't be friends!!!!! I love all you Sly Piggery guys and gals!
At 2:08 PM,
Meish said…
Thats good. Im so glad i have friends, without friends i would be nothing... I love sly-piggery Ladys and gentlemans....
At 12:30 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
It's all about the ARMY!!!
And Nathan, the Coast Guard isn't military anymore, it's Homeland Security.
How've you been Meisha?
At 12:31 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
It's all about the ARMY!!!
And Nathan, the Coast Guard isn't military anymore, it's Homeland Security.
How've you been Meisha?
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