Sweethearts Dance- HollyWood Nights
Sweethearts was very interesting. Let me start from the beginning. So the ladies met at the school of Taylorsville and then we tried getting everyone their we tried calling Angela one of the ladies in our group and she suddenly tells Erika and I that she cant go. After she had gotten her dress and the Beuteneer for her date. Anyways Erika and I tried to get a hold of Carlos (Amber's date) another ladie that was in our group. So when Erika and Amber tried calling Carlos he was no where to be reached or found... So he never showed up. Which really ticked Erika and Amber and I. And also the Angela detail.. So after that Erika and I were on our way to pick up Kenn a.k.a. Erika's date and then we went to pick up my date Derrick Noakes.. And then met back at Taylorsville for everyone Alexis another Ladie in our group was waiting at the school with Amber for her date and then more confusion. So we started our day activity going over to Murray Central Station for TRAX.... The guys had a little bite of an idea of where we were headed. Which was to Downtown Salt Lake City. So get on the TRAX and then we get off at City Center which was close to where we needed to be headed. So we headed to Temple Square. And took some nice pictures. which i really cant put them on the computer at the moment since my camera's with my mom. Anyways and then after the pictures Alexis was staring to get hungary and it was close to lunch time. So we went into the Mall and ate awhole Pie of Pepporoni Pizza Which was good since all of us ladies put in some money.. And after that we walked through the mall for a few minutes and then were off back to the TRAX were they could take us to The Gateway. So we arrive at the Gateway.. And we went into Build-A-Bear- Workshop... And then we went into the Salt Lake suveneer shop. And then after Derrick and I left that store to sit down on a big rock outside. Oh and through out the date Derrick of course opened the doors for me even though i was driving. Anyways, back to the story so Derrick and I waited for like five minutes waiting for Kenn, Erika, Alexis, Amber, Dyral to come out of the store. And then all of us saw a beautiful little river where their was water. almost like a little Waterfall.. And so Kenn was acting like he was going to push Erika into the water. Which i thought would be a cute picture. So i took the Picture of those two and then, Erika took a picture of Derrick acting like he was pushing me into the water and then Alexis was acting like she was going to push Dyral into the water.. And then since Amber was with us with no date what so ever we all had the guys acting like she was going in for good.. Anyways we had alot of laughs from that and then we went downstairs to where their was that water shooting up. So Erika, Kenn and Dyral,Alexis and I went in to get wet and Derrick and Amber stayed by our stuff and i didn't know that Derrick took a pic of me. And then Derrick took this amazing picture of Kenn and Erika hugging in the middle of the water and it was so good. And we all stopped and dryed off and made our way back to the TRAX. So we took the TRAX back to Murray Central Station where we all got off and then Erika had Amber hold her wallet for her and her cell phone but, when we were on our way home Erika was asking me for her Cell phone which i didn't have neither did Derrick or Kenn or Amber or Dyral or Alexis. If you guessed that she left her cell on the TRAX you are right and so we hurried to take our dates home since it was 3:15 and then Erika kept calling her dad and then Erika and i hurried over to Shayla's house so she could do Erika and my hair which looked beautiful. And then my dad told us that their is a way to call the TRAX people and so my dad gave us the number and Erika called her dad and gave him the number and then her dad called back on my cell phone saying that they found her phone and that she will have to get it on Tuesday and so that made Erika's day much better. And so us ladies got dressed and ready to go and so we took Shayla home and then were on our way to pick up Kenn and then Derrick since Kenn lived in Kearns. So after we picked up our dates we met everyone else at Taylorsville High we were on our way to Noodles & Company for dinner which was also excellent. Then we made our way to the dance at T-Ville and took some pictures which the Photographer was so weird during our group pictures. Anyways after the pics we went to dance which was a huge blast! And then after the dance i remembered that their was a Region Dance so we all went to the last half hour of the dance and then went over to McDonald's to get some Ice Cream inside but, they were closed.. And so we all were waiting outside to see what we were going to do and I suggested Wendy's to get Frosty's and so we went to Wendy's on Redwood Rd by the College im going to. And went through the drive through and then took Kenn home and Erika i guessed forgot to walk him to the door. Oh well, so then i took Derrick home and walked him up to the door since this was Ladies choice dance date. And so he was telling me on the way to his door that he had a fabulous time that night with me and i told him the same. And then we were up to his door and this was exactually midnight the time he had to be home and so we gave eachother a hug and it was so tight. But, it was all good. And so Erika was still in the car and we hurried and went to my house to get her stuff since she slept over that night before. So we gathered her things and I took her home and then i came back home and didn't get to sleep until 4 in the morning....And that was a fun date i have been on and Derrick was a gentleman, He opened the doors for me escorted me to the dance floor and everything a guy needs to be as a gentlemen.. So sorry if i boreded you out with my amazing night but, i hoped ya'll enjoyed.
At 3:03 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
Sounds like you had a fun night.
At 5:01 PM,
Meish said…
Yep i sure did... :D
At 11:44 PM,
The Warrior said…
I had fun reading it. ;-P
At 2:16 PM,
Meish said…
Thats good that you had fun reading it. At least someone liked my story. Thanks Spencer and Dave
At 12:07 AM,
The Warrior said…
Oh, no problem at all, any time you need anything just let me know.
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