A awesome day!
Hey, so i go to school then come home and call my work and tell Ross that i cant take it anymore of working there so i told him that i quit. And of course he doesn't know about what Eric did so i told him and so now im free of Party City... Horray for me! And then i had to go to the dentist and i found out that the bottom right of my teeth in the back my wisdom teeth is at an angle like it's lying down on my gums. It was weird when i saw the ex-rays. But im getting them pulled out sometime soon and im getting all four out at once and my dentist said that the precedure is only 40 minutes.... So almost an hour not bad at all and the good part is the place i have to go is only five minutes away from where i live it's somewhere on Redwood Rd kinda by Party City. So yeah so now im getting ready for college night at Murray hope my murray friends go tonight.
At 4:47 PM,
The Warrior said…
I involuntarily raised my arm when I read that you had quit. I've been praying. GOOD FOR YOU, MEISHA!!!!!
But are you sure that Eric doesn't know where you live?
At 6:15 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
That's good for you Meisha!
By the way, is your dentist Dr. McGavin?
At 6:34 PM,
Meish said…
No Eric does not know where i live and thankful for that.
And no my dentist is Dr.Dunn
At 11:30 PM,
The Warrior said…
Good news, then. I think my worry can stop now!
Well...at least for that...how's your head? ;-)
And your teeth...ooh, I'm so sorry! Sounds nasty!
At 8:48 AM,
Meish said…
LoL that was funny Spencer but, i dont have headaches right now and my teeth are ok for now. Thanks for asking.....
At 11:34 PM,
The Warrior said…
Yup, that's me. I worry about people all the time...you'll just have to get used to me, I guess!
And I'm happy for you too...keep safe!
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