A hard days work...
So Today, i had to work at 5-9:30 pm Longest day ever it was so hecktic. Im so close of losing my voice. Because for some reason i caught some kind of cold i had a slight cough this morning and i don't have right now but, my througt was so sore. And of course the Wisdom teeth kept on aching worse and the other worse part is they (Manager) didn't give me a 15 minute break like i always have and i also didn't have one yesterday either so i told my mom and she said that it's allegal to have an employee not have a break... So im going to talk to the lady at T-Ville high on Monday about what i should do since she is helping with finding a new better job.. Im getting so stressed out over everything in my life like, Money, College, Graduation, Doing the right thing. I wan't to do the right thing for the church.One of my Managers is trying many different things that he want's me to do like see R rated movies and also stealing things and other things you can imagine. So i really feel that my whole life is not worth it right now. I feel like ive lost all of my T-Ville and Murray and Kearns friends and other online friends... What should i do?...I am going to quite no matter what my mom thinks or saids im going to go find a better job... And today all of my co-workers were ignoring me. I felt so lost. Well i've written alot and sorry that this is a sad post but, it's a true post.
At 4:52 PM,
The Warrior said…
Meisha, GET OUT OF THERE. It's against the law to nto allow breaks, he wants you to steal and watch movies? What for? I say, quit now, preserve your own integrity, and get yourself out of there.
I'm rooting for you.
At 7:08 PM,
Meish said…
Im trying so hard to but, my mom won't listen to me she want's me to keep my job... i dont want a job anymore while im in school..
Thanks Spencer for all you have done.
At 1:08 AM,
The Warrior said…
I haven't done much of anything.
And you tell your mom all of this, and then see what she says. It sounds like a very unhealthy environment for you, and I'm going to worry about you until you get out. And about your boss, I don't think I like the sounds of him. Why is he interfering in what kind of movies you watch?
Do me a favor, and stay away from him as much as possible. Without scaring you (I'm only being necesarrily cautious), I wouldn't be alone with him either if I were you.
At 3:03 PM,
Meish said…
um yes you have done something you have been telling what you think i should do. So basically your being a caring friend.
I've told my mom and she doesn't believe me and she doesn't think i should quit. Don't worry so much i'll be ok at least i think. Im trying really hard to stay away from him as possible...
At 1:24 AM,
The Warrior said…
How can she not believe you? What kind of junk is that?
You tell her, you want to quit, and have made your mind up. And don't give way. Tell her you are uncomfortable, and find the situation unhealthy. Where do you work, btw?
I'm rooting for ya!
At 3:16 PM,
Meish said…
I dont know why she doesn't believe me.Im really trying hard to quit and other than that that guy were talking about yelled at me yesterday for something i didn't do and it almost made me cry. And not only that yesterday i had to work a 8 and 1/2 hour shift yesterday and i got so sick when i got home bacause eric (The guy) didn't let me have enough time to eat and usually when you'r working that long you get 2 breaks and 1 lunch break and he didn't give me my lunch break. So when i got home i felt like i was going to puke and so i went into the restroom and nothing happened and then when i got downstairs to my restroom and actally puked about four times and so i didn't go to church because of the way im feeling and i feel so bad because i have'nt been to church for three weeks..
At 4:24 PM,
Meish said…
Yeah of course i'm telling my mom about this but, you know. She wont listen to me because she'll think that im making it up which im not and it also really hurts that she doesn't believe me.
At 10:45 PM,
The Warrior said…
Keep going, Meisha. It's beyond me why she doesn't trust you...but would you mind telling me if you have any idea? Sometimes I don't understand (make that all the time) why I'm not trusted, so you probably don't know either. But do you have an inkling at all though?
I hate this. I want you out!
At 2:08 PM,
Meish said…
my mom wont let me quit not until i find a different job which im doing.it's hard to explain.
At 4:36 PM,
The Warrior said…
Well then, you have a goal to work towards. Get another job, I guess. It's likely going hard...but just apply to a place or two, or three, or four, until you're out.
But why is she making you work? Are you getting the money? Please forgive my intrusion...you can ignore that if you like....
Your friend,
At 2:33 PM,
Meish said…
I don't know what to do. And i don't know what to think either
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