A strangest day (Well for me)
Well This morning went o.k. As i scraped the snow off my car. So I get into my car and drove off to school. And now it usually takes me five minutes to get to school but, this time it took me fifteen minutes. The rodes were so bad to drive on and i didn't want to get in a wreck. Since my brakes arnt working very well. I need to get them checked anyways. My first period wen't ok and then second was good and then comes third which is my favorite class (on A days) we learned about Robert Frost and he is a poet. And then we gotten an assignment to write a seasonal poem which has to rhyme and i decided to do my poem on Winter but i have nothing and it's due next class period i seriously need help. Anyways then Lunch came and i got my food and when i sat down i asked my friend Alex "All of a sudden i see people circling around is that just me or is everyone circling around?" and Alex told me to put my head on the table she moved my food so i could but, i couldn't and i didn't know why and so as i ate the food i felt like i was about to pass out... But i didn't... So after lunch i went to Marketing the last class of the day and im still seeing people circling around.. after that class i wen't over to Doc's room (Orchestra teacher) and get the cookie dough fundraiser that were doing to raise money for tour in April and my friend April went with and helped carry the two heavy boxes. Which was very sweet of her since she already knows that my back doesn't do good with lifting heavy things so i took five people home in my tiny car which can only hold four passengers so i took Shayla and her brother Bradford and then Alex and then Denny and then April helped me take the cookie dough boxes to my house and then i took her home and then i started calling people to tell them that the cookie dough is here so i don't have to waste my time going to their house when their not there oh and my dad help drive to the places. After that we can home ate Taco Bell and then i fell asleep when all of a sudden my mom's and my visiting teachers were still here so i went up for the last ten minutes and then took a shower and then the internet ive had a busy day and im still wondering about earlier at lunch.....
At 12:48 AM,
The Warrior said…
Meisha, GET TO A DOCTOR. I'm worried about you quite a bit now. You've had head problems recently, and if I remember they weren't resolved were they?
Please, for me, get checked out. I won't have peace about this until you do.
At 2:17 PM,
Meish said…
Aw thats sweet Spencer. But you do not have to worry about me. My headaches are clearing up from the medication i take. And that day when i was dizzy it could mean alot of things. So dont worry so much about me. I'LL BE OK! No worries. :D
At 12:01 AM,
The Warrior said…
Still, you need to see a doctor. I won't stop worrying until you do.
And btw...have you been on the Sly Piggery recently? Our rebellion is almost finished...we could use you.
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