A very weird a strange day after Christmas! Work!
So i woke up this morning at 11:30 am and was confused since yesterday was christmas and all so i hung out with Denny and two of my Murray friends Megan and Brittany. we had fun and then work came at five to nine thirty and so i go to work ask Eric ( the Mean person ever) and Erinn how their Christmas went and of course both said fine and then after Erinn wen't to work and since i was cashier and eric was still in front Eric said "One of my favorite gift i got yesterday was a sharpener for my knifes." And i was like cool.not. And he said "yeah i would like to test it on something like a person." And he was looking at me and looking at me straight in the eye. I know what he is talking about. He wan'ts to stab me or kill me. Im so scared of him now and then after that. Their were no customers at the time and so i was writting a note to Ross or Gene (Managers) to request sunday the 31st off. so hope i get it off. Anyways back of what im talking about when i was done eric came up to me and scared me which i dont like. After he was talking to me about that he wants to test his knives out i seriously cried.So here's what iom going to do is go to job search and find a different job and fast i cant take it working their with that creep. And im also going to tell the head Manager (Gene) of what has been going on. So wish me luck on this. And the one good thing about this i have Saturday night off so i can go to the Region Youth Church dance with my friends.
At 2:18 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
Tell him if he wants something to test it on, use me. He won't like the result, though
At 10:05 PM,
Meish said…
I would if i could. And thanks for that.Anyways hope you dont mind me asking who are ya? Nice to meet you!
At 3:53 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
I'm Dave. And Seriously, tell him that.
At 9:09 PM,
Meish said…
Oh Dave the one who is in Orchestra with me? Nice to have you have your replies. And i will tell him that. But the strangest thing happened today when i went into work and filled out my time card their was a Blockbusters gift card taped to it from Eric i don't know what to do. Should i accept it? I am so confused
At 9:29 PM,
Steph's Hubby said…
Make that a was in orchestra with you. And I apologize if I seem intrusive.
As to the gift. That's entirely up to you. If it were me, I'd try to discover the motivation behind it.
At 4:41 PM,
Nathan said…
Hmm.... Interesting. In my opinion, I don't think he was really threatening you. It's all in the interpretation; had I been in your shoes, I would have just laughed and suggested a few people. Because usually when people say stuff like that, they're just playing around and want the person they're talking to to play along, too. It's exactly like what a group of high school friends would do. I suggest letting him know that he makes you uncomfortable when he says stuff like that.
However, even if I think he was just playing around, he's still a creep. That fact has been solidly established. I still urge you to get out of there, but for the reasons previously blogged.
As for the gift, I say take it. Of course, try subtly to find the motivation behind it, but in the meantime, you might as well use what he gave you. It's proof that he's at least capable of generosity, in the very least. There might not even be an ulterior motive; just Holiday cheer.
Just my two cents. If you need any help finding a job, I can try to help if you need me to. I don't know what service I'll be, but I'll try if you need it. :-)
At 10:52 PM,
The Warrior said…
I'm not so sure if I'd take that gift...but he may become very angry if you don't. Then again, he may start to come onto you or maybe something less (hang around you more?) if you do.
It's your choice. You don't need to reply but I just wanted to know...did you get my email?
And Dave...you know, you're the best ever.
At 5:43 PM,
Meish said…
Thanks Dave, Nathan and Spencer
Nathan- The part where you said that if i needed your help of finding a job to let you know. Well yeah i could use your help of finding one. If you wouldn't mind.? Im going to quit after i find a second job.Thanks for all you who responded you made my day a whole lot better. I've had a huge a struggle with work.
At 1:31 PM,
The Warrior said…
We're with you.
At 4:13 PM,
Meish said…
Thanks Spencer!
At 2:35 PM,
The Warrior said…
You are more than welcome!
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