it's been so long!
Hey everyone whose been wondering when my next post is well here it is. So i worked Saturday for eight and a half hours long i know. So the stupid assistant manager only gave me one to two breaks and no Lunch or Dinner break. So i was light headed the whole day until i got home and told my dad i feel like passing out or puking so i tried puking in the restroom upstairs didn't work so i got me a glass of ice cold water and went down stairs to watch some tv and right when i got down stairs and turned the lights on that when i heard and voice saying get up and go back into the reatroom luckly i had a restroom downstairs. So i went in and kneeled down on my knees and their i was puking four times. So i blame my work for not getting me a lunch break....So i didn't go to church the next morning. So then their came the Taylorsville High Christmas concert and i think it went ok in some sort well i got to go to work I HATE WORK!!!!
At 10:43 PM,
The Warrior said…
Meisha, PLEASE get out of there! Tell you dad! Your mom! Someone! I can't stand the thought of this evil boss of yours doing this to you. Of course you threw up because you hadn't eaten. If I don't eat, the same thing happens to me.
PLEASE keep on trying. Try and try with your mother. I'm on your side, and will be praying for you!
Go Meisha!
P.S. BTW, where exactly do you work if you don't mind me asking?
At 2:05 PM,
Meish said…
I know im trying i work at Party City
At 4:38 PM,
The Warrior said…
Party City? Hmm...I hope all goes well with you. You're in my prayers, Meish.
In the meantime, you may want to have a discussion with your mom, and tell her EVERYTHING--how you hate it, how you feel, how you are hurt that she does not believe you, etc. Just a suggestion...but I'd likely find that hard to do myself.
At 7:36 PM,
Nathan said…
Talk to your mom again. Then, whether she likes it or not, just quit anyway. You're eighteen; you live in the same house, sure, but I think this is a good situation to disregard house rules. Just get outta there.
btw, Does Chris still work at Party City?
At 11:12 PM,
The Warrior said…
I wondered if I should give you the same advice as well...
Thank you, Nathan. ;-)
At 2:29 PM,
Meish said…
Right now with my job it's really pulling me away from alot of things.Like i've tried to pray for answers and i cant do that. Having a job is so much pressure. And when im at school walking in the halls i feel that everyone hates me for some reason. And some people don't even know me and some do. i feel so empty.
Nathan- Thanks for the reply. If i quit and tell my mom or not tell my mom i'll be in major trouble and she'll be disapointed. And she wants me to find another job before i quit. But the question is where do i have the time to look for another job when im scheduled to work the whole week except tomorrow for movie night. And i know im eighteen and i should make my own decision but my mom thinks that she decides for me.And Chris still works there. He's such a silly, weird kid.
Spencer- You and Nathan both give great advice so dont worry!
At 4:08 PM,
The Warrior said…
Well, I'll still worry...
But don't you just love it to death when your parents never trust you, want to make every decision that they want to for you, tell you what to do, expect you to be an adult when they won't allow you to be?
Sorry...emotional outburst there. Anyways, GO MEISHA!
At 11:05 PM,
Meish said…
OMG-Next week im working 37 hours total that is too much!!! HELP!!
At 12:39 AM,
The Warrior said…
Oh no, that is so bad...I'm working a ton too. Oh well, I hope you're okay?
At 10:12 PM,
Meish said…
No actually im not lastnight i got threatened by eric.Scary im so scared
At 1:35 PM,
The Warrior said…
Meisha I wish there was something I could do for you...the only thing I know to do is quit immediately. Now.
I hate to badger you and you don't need to reply to it, but did my email reach you?
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