Meeting Elder M.Russell Ballard in Person....
Tonight i had the chance of meeting with one of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. So tonight was a get together for my stake to meet in our stake meeting house and their was alot of people their about 435 people. Yeah i know crazy huh? But anyways they started out at seven o' clock tonight and they had some if my ward members acting someone who lived along time ago since my stake is going to the temple tomorrow. And they were dressed in white because they dies some long time ago and you could really feel the spirit because they asked the audience if they had their name and some did and some didn't which was sad because they want to be part of a temple body and become more active. Anyways then Elder Ballard spoke and my dad and i took some very good notes..
I've learned from his talk that Joseph Smith sat in the grove of trees in the year 1820. It's been 187 years ago that. Joseph Smith saw the three personages in the grove.His message that we redouble our capacity to appreciate the restoration of the gospel. Anyways thats the main part that touched me and my spirit including of what happened earlier when their were angels. Then they closed the meeting by singing hymn number 220 "Lord, I would follow thee." and while everyone was singing that night i had this strange feeling inside of me. I knew the spirit was with me and that is the first time in along time that i had that feeling. And i also could feel my brother their even though he died when he was little and i could also feel my grandparents (Dads parents) spirit and also our loving lord and heavenly father Jesus Christ and many more.
So that song touched my heart so much i almost cried. Because the spirit was so strong.So after the song and prayer was sang and said. I had the chance of meeting Elder M. Russell Ballard for five minutes i shook his hand and at that time i again felt those spirits, I love that feeling.. And when i got home i told my mom since she just had surgery on her right hand. And she was bummed that she couldn't go. But i had a fun night. And now i know that im loved by my heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ and my brother and my grandparents spirits. And i now know that i am safe whereever i will go. So i say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
I've learned from his talk that Joseph Smith sat in the grove of trees in the year 1820. It's been 187 years ago that. Joseph Smith saw the three personages in the grove.His message that we redouble our capacity to appreciate the restoration of the gospel. Anyways thats the main part that touched me and my spirit including of what happened earlier when their were angels. Then they closed the meeting by singing hymn number 220 "Lord, I would follow thee." and while everyone was singing that night i had this strange feeling inside of me. I knew the spirit was with me and that is the first time in along time that i had that feeling. And i also could feel my brother their even though he died when he was little and i could also feel my grandparents (Dads parents) spirit and also our loving lord and heavenly father Jesus Christ and many more.
So that song touched my heart so much i almost cried. Because the spirit was so strong.So after the song and prayer was sang and said. I had the chance of meeting Elder M. Russell Ballard for five minutes i shook his hand and at that time i again felt those spirits, I love that feeling.. And when i got home i told my mom since she just had surgery on her right hand. And she was bummed that she couldn't go. But i had a fun night. And now i know that im loved by my heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ and my brother and my grandparents spirits. And i now know that i am safe whereever i will go. So i say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
At 8:52 PM,
The Warrior said…
Thanks for updating! And thanks for visiting the Sly Piggery whenever you can. I always love it when you come!
At 8:29 PM,
Meish said…
Hey thanks.But how did you think about my topic? Did any of it make sence at all? Well at least i know i have a fan that likes it when im on Sly Pig as a friend i thank you for that. But i think that you are the only person who gets happy whenever im on sly piggery no one else cares for me. I'm kinda stressing over on of how i should have stayed at my work and had Eric fired. Because it's so hard to find a job and i still need help finding a job. All of my Murray friends and some of my T-Ville friends think that i should work at a foods place which is i dont want to work at a food place i want to work were i can meet new people and maybe, just maybe be a cashier somewhere. Where they would accept me.
At 11:16 PM,
The Warrior said…
I accept you, but that probably doesn't help much. Right now is not a very good time to find a job, unfortunately. For my sake don't worry about it too much.
Others care for you too. Who doesn't? What makes you think that? Is that what keeps you away, Meisha?
And exactly what topic are you speaking of? I'm not sure, I'm so sorry...*sheepish look*
Catch you later Meish!
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