Disapointment on getting Jobs!
Today i was sapose to hear from Borders to see if i got the job. So i called Borders myself and the person i talked went to check for me and then came back to the phone and said that they'll call tonight if i get the job. But i didn't get a phone call.. That was the second job that didn't want me to work. I called Bath & Body Works before i called Borders in case i got the job at Bath & Body Works but they said they already found their employee's ; ( So i am gonna admit online that i did tear up alot. But i think this happens to alot of people that dont get jobs.. But me i got turned down twice in one night.. I feel like i let myslef down by not doing a good job at either job Interviews...
At 9:42 PM,
Nathan said…
Hey, it happens to all of us at some point. All you can do is pick yourself up and keep trying other places. Pretty much everywhere is hiring right now. :-)
At 9:50 PM,
Meish said…
True.But it's so hard to get a job and make a good first impression at the interview..And i really thought that the Manager at Bath & Body liked me and seemed like she would hire me on the spot.. Now i know it's not always easy of getting the type of job you would always want.
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